Saturday 20 August 2011

Show Off Your Style


I came across this colourful jewellery stand outside a store a few weeks ago and it got me thinking about something... (maybe you don't already) but why do we hide away our beautiful, eye-catching collections at home - be it jewellery, scarves, bangles, even shoes (!), in drawers, cupboards, boxes, etc...

I had some wasted space in front of our bedroom fireplace and knew it was the perfect spot to appreciate my shoes. Now they're not hidden away and (though they do get a little more dusty) they're fun to look at.

Possibly my most treasured collection. I've been collecting sunglasses for a good few years now (well, I probably have an obsession (these aren't all of them)! Back then I decided I wanted to find a wall-mounted perspex case to house them so they could become a piece of art instead of being tucked away in a dark drawer, as they are now. Unfortunately, I'm still yet to find the case! 

I think showing off your style makes your home personal. It adds character and makes it a genuine reflection of you and who you are. It makes you feel warm to be surrounded by it, to remember the stories of each piece  - oh, and as another plus, it's simply eye-candy for any visitors!

Happy weekending xx

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