Thursday 11 August 2011

Decoupage With A Modern Twist


The last time I decoupaged anything, I think I was about 12-years-old and it involved using photos of my friends and I. I loved it back then and though I haven't done it very often since, I did return back to my roots more recently when considering how to restyle the chair above. 

Another classic English wooden kitchen chair (about £10 from a charity shop), it had a dark stain on it and apart from having some cool detailing in its shape, it was really quite simple.I decided decoupage was the way forward to really show off the shape and give it a unique modern twist. 

 I pulled out my stash of fashion mags, cut a load of squares out and started pasting in a line using PVA glue (under and over the top, using a paintbrush). To be honest, it took me a good week to finish (who knows if I would have been so brave knowing the amount of time it would take?!) but it was well worth the end result. Hope you like it! Happy decoupaging. 

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